Sometimes the most basic list of ingredients can become a gorgeous, festive dish by simply plating & presenting it in a different way. This recipe is proof. The hardest part of this recipe is to find root vegetables that are more or less the same size in diameter. The rest is super simple.

Festive Root Vegetable Wreath, serves 6-8
2kg of Root Vegetables – I used sweet potato, potatoes & butternut – thinly & evenly sliced
3 Tbsp of Butter
3 Tbsp of Olive Oil
1 Cup of Quality Vegetable Stock
A Bunch of Fresh Rosemary
Sea Salt
Optional for serving: Lemon Zest & Crème Fraiche
Preheat the oven to 200°C.
Scrub & cut all your vegetables. I leave the skins on the potato but peel the butternut & the sweet potato. You can decide if you’re having a skin on or a skin off kind of day.
Combine your melted butter & olive oil. Use a brush to cover the inside of your dish (it must be between 20cm & 25cm in diameter).
Apply a bit of patience for the next step. You need to arrange the three different veggies so that that the different sizes of slices are more or less next to one another. Continue until you’ve arranged all the slices in a spiral/wreath.
Brush with more butter mix, pour over the chicken stock, then sprinkle with some rosemary & salt.
Roast the veggies for about 50 minutes until they are cooked on the inside & a bit crispy & golden on the edges.
If you like, you can whisk up some lemon zest & Crème Fraiche & serve it on the side.
Season to taste, add more fresh rosemary & enjoy. So good.
Yolandi ♥
Images: Hello Love Lifestyle for aZestyLife