Here are my nine easy ways to cut down on food waste at home. What have I left out? Let me know in the comments what I should be adding here.
Clean Out Your Fridge & Freezer regularly
You may have some delicious frozen things in your freezer that you have forgotten about? Or perhaps, like me, you have accumulated 10 bottles in your fridge & you had no idea. It’s easy to forget about frozen leftovers or accumulate ingredients. A thorough clean-out helps you take stock of what you have, avoid duplicate purchases & use up food before it expires. Learn more about food storage best practices with the Foodkeeper App.
Start Composting
Did you know that fruit, vegetables & bread are the most wasted food items? Not all food waste can be avoided, but composting fruit and vegetable scraps can reduce landfill waste and provide nutrient-rich soil for plants. Check out this beginner’s guide to composting. Ground coffee is also an excellent addition to your compost heap. IT contains potassium, nitrogen & phosphorus that is really great for the soil & plants.
Pickle, Freeze, Preserve
The abundance of seasonal produce can sometimes become really overwhelming. Make the most of all the seasonal deliciousness & preserve excess fruit and vegetables by pickling, freezing, or making jams and sauces. This way, you can enjoy seasonal flavors all year round. Here’s a guide to preserving food at home.
Plan & Prep Meals
Meal prep & planning is not only for fitness junkies & slimmers. It is also for savers & sensible eaters. Planning meals for the week ahead helps you buy only what you need, preventing impulse purchases and excess food that may go uneaten. A well-thought-out shopping list also ensures that you purchase only the necessary ingredients instead of having loads of items that will spoil over time.
A well-organized shopping list keeps your pantry and fridge stocked efficiently. Get meal planning tips here.
Grow Your Own & Eat Seasonal
Having a vegetable garden means fresh, homegrown produce at your fingertips. When you grow your food, you naturally become more conscious of what’s in season, reducing reliance on store-bought items & cutting down on waste. Chef Chris Erasmus says that those who grow their own food become hyper focussed on not wasting a single part of produce! Learn how to start your own vegetable garden.
Store Food Properly
Learn how to store different types of food correctly to extend their freshness. For example, keep fruits & vegetables in the right compartments of your fridge and store dry goods in airtight containers. Practice First In, First Out (FIFO) which basically just means you arrange your fridge & pantry so that older food items are in the front and newer ones in the back. This encourages you to use up older items before they expire. Find creative leftover recipes here.
Use Leftovers Creatively
Leftovers don’t have to be boring! Transform them into new meals, such as using roasted vegetables in soups or blending overripe fruits into smoothies. Sometimes you need to have an eat-the-fridge empty kind of a day. Unpack all (fresh) left overs & plate whatever cold meat, fruit, vegetables & condiments that has been sitting in the fridge for a long long time. See it as a fridge emptying feast!
Share or Donate Extra Food
In South Africa, you will always find many people who will gladly enjoy the . Even if you are in a country with no unemployment, then consider sharing large quantities or excess with friends, neighbours of family members. If you have excess food, consider sharing it with friends, neighbours or family members. In South Africa and beyond, there are always people who would appreciate a good meal or extra snack. Donating to local food banks or community organizations is another great way to prevent waste while helping others.
Rethink ‘Food Scraps’
Are you cutting away way too much of your fresh produce & food? How about cooking the outer leaves of your cauliflowers? When last did you have some (air) fried potato skins? Why not turn stale bread into bread crumbs. Or make & freeze your ripe tomatoes & turn them into delicious freezer pasta sauces. A little creativity can turn potential waste into delicious meals. See how to make the most of food scraps.
By implementing these simple habits, you can make a meaningful impact on reducing food waste in your home. Not only will you be helping the planet, but you’ll also save money and make the most of the food you buy. Start small, and soon these habits will become second nature!
Thank you for reading along dear friend.