Strange heading right? I agree, but allow me to explain. There is still so much controversy & nonsense out there about injectables (aka Botox & fillers), that I really wanted to honestly tell you this: having it done is as easy as having a long lazy brunch. Sure, it might cost a bit (or a lot) more than your average brunch, but the truth is that it is only about a two hour outing & it is actually quite fun. I’m a big baby when it comes to needles, but it was really not even sore.  Plus, it won’t add any extra kilojoules. In fact: you will look & feel slightly skinnier.

You might also wonder why I wanted Botox as I’m only 33? Of course I know that real beauty starts on the inside, but consider this fact: it takes 0.72 seconds for someone to decide if they like you or not, so it’s definitely best to make sure the very first impression is as positive as possible. Experts are also clear about the fact that starting younger is better & not unusual these days. AND I didn’t want to write about procedures (in various publications) that I have not tried out personally.

Still doubtful?


10:00: I arrived at The Aesthetics Centre in Benoni (Johannesburg), had a cup of tea & then went in for a consultation with Dr Jenni Irvine. She recommended a light chemical peel which I had straight away. Then it was fillers, followed by Botox after which I was given some light therapy (Omnilux Revive™) to calm the skin. It is basically a red light that helps your skin tissue repair and regenerate. (The light therapy is not standard practice at all aesthetic centres though, so don’t expect it to be used everywhere.)

My ‘before’ face. Trying to frown, but can’t keep myself from laughing! Seriously though – check out that deep frown line.
Dr Irvine takes her measurements & makes tiny dots to ensure that the injectables go in at the correct spots.
Where the Botox will go.
And a little bit of Botox for the chin – by relaxing this muscle ever so slightly, the face is slightly elongated, which means you will look a bit slimmer.
A bit of Botox into my forehead… not even sore.
And more to lift the brows.
Filler nr 1
Filler nr 2
Only a tiny spot & a bit of redness is visible after the peel & the filler.

I was out of there by 12:00 (just over two hours). Overall: a really pleasant, hardly painful & non-intimidating experience.

The fillers kicked in almost immediately. I had no bruising, although some people might experience bruising after fillers. I have honestly looked much worse after deep cleanse facials.


BOTOX before and after
The after image is taken two weeks after the botox and fillers were done. It might not look like it, but I am desperately trying to frown.



  • It did not make me happier, but it gave my self-confidence an instant hike.
  • Many people asked me if I had lost weight (which I didn’t). What a win!
  • You look more relaxed & therefore start to feel more relaxed. This has actually been proved by scientists.
  • It is now more than six months after having the injectibles done & the Botox is (sadly) almost completely gone. The fillers will do their work for about 12 months.


I certainly will, but (& this is a big but): each person & each aesthetic practitioner is unique, so your experience & results might be vastly different. The best advice is to choose a legitimate product (it will have a hologram on & be in a sealed bottle) & a very experienced medical aesthetic doctor. It’s also up to you whether you want to visit a doctor that looks like she has had some ‘work done’. Or you can decide to go with a slightly more conservative, but more natural looking option.

Have any questions? Let me know. I’m happy to answer them for you or get honest answers from the professionals.

Yolandi ♥








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