
Lamb Stew Soup {recipe}

This soup is winter in a bowl for me – thick & full of delicious lamb meat. I discovered it last winter in a Sarie Kos magazine dating back to 2012. Lamb Stew Soup, serves 6 The original recipe calls for lamb shanks, but I have used both lamb & beef stewing meat for this […] Read more…

When last did you eat together?

Growing up, we always had meals at the table. Breakfast was a sit down affair (mostly all five of us) & dinner was a non-negotiable: home cooked meal, all together, no TV, just eating & talking. Even to this day, we have many happy conversations & make happy memories around my parents’ kitchen table. And […] Read more…

Thai Green Coconut Chicken Curry {Recipe}

I absolutely love a good green curry. Some of my fondest memories of green curry is when I was pregnant with Oli & my hot Sunday morning craving for curry could only be stilled by the Green Beef Curry at the Good Luck Club in Illovo. Last year some time, I came across this recipe (by […] Read more…

Rice Krispies Rainbow Cake

This was such a fun ‘no-bake’ cake to make & it is even yummier than I anticipated. To me it is also a perfect kids cake, so get them involved! Here goes: Rice Crispies Rainbow Cake, Serves about 12 For the ‘cake’ layers: 6 tablespoons of unsalted butter 9 cups of mashmallows (mini’s mashies are best […] Read more…


My favourite bobotie recipe is a super delicious & decadent one – packed with yummy ingredients (sugar, bread, chutney, jam & more) though, that it tastes a bit more like a dessert than anything else! So, when I recently found some very cute mini squashes (or pumpkins if you like) at Woolies, I decided to […] Read more…


If you know me well, then you’ll also know that I love my water. (I’m also a mouth breather, which is probably a contributing factor to why I get thirsty more often… arb fact, I know. *blush*). Moving along. I also love my tea & coffee & wine… which means that I’m probably not always […] Read more…


My sister makes the best paptert (a starch side dish made of mieliepap & other ingredients) out there. So, when Easter weekend was upon us & we hosted a braai, I decided that it was time for a paptert! I didn’t want to attempt to duplicate her recipe because I knew I would fail dismally. I […] Read more…


Looking for a really big dinner treat in Cape Town, then dash off to DASH restaurant at the Queen Victoria Hotel at the V&A. DASH ticks all the boxes: Location, location, location? Tick. Intimate & stylish setting? Tick. Awesome service? Tick. Beautifully plated food? Tick. Mouth watering dishes? Tick. Wow wine list? Tick. Lovely ambience? Tick. […] Read more…

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