

I’m slightly embarrassed to write this post. Because… I am guilty. You see I haven’t been doing my bit when it comes to recycling. I (or let me put the blame on us – makes me feel slightly less guilty) have either not done recycling at all or we did it half-heartedly. Really embarrassing. My […] Read more…


Hallo. Happy Friday to you. Here are some fab links from the web. Enjoy. 10 Surprising things to do with ripe bananas. How are your restaurant table manners? (Thanx Joanna) Can’t wait to try these Chocolate Chia Energy Balls (found on aFoodieLivesHere ) I love this magic spell on how to Summon Your Period: Some really clever […] Read more…

Dear Insomnia, it’s not me it’s you

I have an insomnia problem. It’s an on-&-off thing that is certainly not so easy to shake! But we’re breaking up. We have to. This is such a silly topic & I’m rather embarrassed to write about it. But it is real. For me, at least. Allow me to explain. This post has been a month […] Read more…


I’m no pastry chef. Far from it. But, I love to bake. And I love cake. (Who doesn’t?) One of my favourite things to bake is themed kiddie cakes. My cakes don’t ever look like works of art, but they are such fun to make & the sheer joy on those tiny faces are just […] Read more…

Finding Friends In Your 30’s {Part 1}

Tots can easily identify a potential friend. If you have or had toddlers, you will know exactly what I mean. They simply look for someone with a specific mode of transport (car seat, stroller, mini bicycle); more or less the same height (dog, fellow human being) or a shared activity (play ground, party) & they […] Read more…

Surviving The Silly Season – Part 2: Gifting

One of my very favourite things to do during the festive season is to wrap gifts. If fact, my family members often make fun of me because I’m often very ‘strict’ about making the gifts look pretty & festive. Each gift – no matter how small – must at least have some sort of ribbon […] Read more…

shopping tips from a professional shopper

I’m no fashionista & no stylist, but I love getting dressed up (like most girls) & usually I loove shopping. Unfortunately I’ve been in a bit of a wardrobe rut lately…. Luckily, the lovely Nicole & Jacqueline of Hermanna Rush hosted Janine Carley-James (a professional shopper & personal stylist from Restyle You) to share her best shopping tips & tricks!   […] Read more…