I’m officially into the second week of the #betterbustchallenge with NIP+FAB, which started on 3 November 2014.

Better bust challenge

Let me be frank: when I was approached for the challenge, the skeptic in me honestly did not expect anything to improve. As far as I am (or was) concerned, my post-baby bust would only improve with drastic measures (ie: surgery). But I thought that until the day of said operation (which won’t happen in the short or medium term), any slight improvement is welcomed.

So, imagine my surprise when after only one week of using the product, my mother (out of the blue!) remarked how lovely the skin on my décolletage area looks. I was rather shocked & pleasantly surprised. She wasn’t even aware of my participation in the challenge. Wow! Can it be? Better skin tone & texture only after one week (twice a day application)? Seems to be true.

Naturally for some women it’s about going up a cm or two or even a cup size. In my case, I’m very happy for even a slight improvement in firmness and tone in the neck & bust area. Pre-baby I did not have the most beautiful breasts ever, but they were acceptable. Now, I’m very sad to report, that lines have appeared on my chest. Not even to mention the stretch marks and sagging….

So this week I’m using the NIP+FAB Bust Fix with renewed enthusiasm!

If you’re curious about the journey, then join me, Fash-n-Fit, Beauty Blog & Dear Heart Beauty on this exciting bust-improving journey by checking out our weekly updates, measurements & other comments on the NIP+FAB Facebook page!

Better Bust Challenge - week 2

At the end of this 4 week challenge, I might also just be spreading the love to some other lucky ladies who also need a bit (or a lot) of a bust improvement!

Yolandi ♥

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