
5 Reasons To Plant A Food Garden

I need to begin by saying that this is not a gardening blog & if I start dishing out gardening advice, then something might be seriously wrong here. But please stick with me & read a bit further. You will see where I’m going with this post. In our grown-up home, I experienced the joy […] Read more…

Take an Instawalk of #DesignJoburg (now on!)

A visually appealing space is like food for my soul. There is something about a uniquely designed room that just appeals to me. And yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit Design Joburg featuring Rooms On View. It is a feast for the senses for anyone in need of aesthetic inspiration. I’m about to take you […] Read more…

Trend Alert: Botanicals

In case you haven’t noticed: botanicals are having a really big moment & I love love love it. This was also the theme at the POETRYSS17 Launch event that I attended a while ago. What is great about this trend is that it is easy to incorporate – on a small scale or in a […] Read more…


I’m slightly embarrassed to write this post. Because… I am guilty. You see I haven’t been doing my bit when it comes to recycling. I (or let me put the blame on us – makes me feel slightly less guilty) have either not done recycling at all or we did it half-heartedly. Really embarrassing. My […] Read more…


With Spring around the corner, it is time to not only start thinking about your summer wardrobe & body, but also about summer-ready hair! If you are stuck for ideas, then look no further. I’ve picked the brain of David Gillson, director & master stylist at Carlton hair (Constantia, Hyde Park & Melrose Arch) who […] Read more…